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The role of Magnetar, both as equity investor and in their bets against the very CDOs they helped create, were not disclosed in any way to investors in the written documents about the deals. So in the eyes of individual actors, this was not a complete and total debacle. Barry was hoping they'd search the house illegally, while, of course, he filmed everything.

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And in the CDO business, there was often a third party, the CDO manager. Our son being taken from us was so hard that, for the safety of my family, we decided that we're not going to do any more cop stings. WBEZ management oversight for our program by our boss, Mr. Barry knew a lot of the players in this deal because he had been involved in the Odessa scene.

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I spent the next year literally in her bedroom, her and I growing close together, talking and smoking pot. Or conducting illegal searches on citizens to seize narcotics. This allowed him and his wife to take a couple of years kicking around Europe, collecting antiques for a big house they were building on the shores of Lake Michigan. When we ran out of doughnuts and bagels on staff doughnut day this week, he made such a moving speech. The other is this story of cops and robbers,it busts andit users playing a cat and mouse game. So the theory among many of the people Jake and Jesse interviewed-- and I should emphasize, Magnetar disputes this theory-- but the theory was, say the equity portion cost Magnetar $10 million to buy, but the entire CDO itself is a hundred times that, $1 billion or even $2 billion.

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Free legal forms net offers over free legal agreements legal forms for free online. Without Raymond's money to spend, these were pretty low-budget affairs. Some of the banks where those fortunes were made may be gone, but the people who made them and the fortunes themselves remain. Then his daughter, Yolanda, was arrested for having an ounce of meth and sentenced to eight years in prison. If you ve racked up debt on a high interest balance transfer credit cards credit card, transferring the balance to. Here's Alex Blumberg with the reporting team from ProPublica, Jake Bernstein and Jesse Eisinger, to bring you the story of this inside job.

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I've watched videos taken from the dashboard camera on Barry Cooper's squad car in the mid-'90s. Then on or about jan, barry cooper called barry cooper hard money lender us. And it is the most magnetic force in the universe. Barry rented a house, wired it with four cameras, bought laptops to watch the video streaming barry cooper hard money lender live, hired a crew and a lawyer and put them all up in hotels while they set the trap. And Barry's next big idea was like something straight out of one of those movies. He wanted to expose and punish the cops that put them in prison.

He believed that cops were corrupt there and had a plan to prove it. A Lutheran fraternal organization in Minnesota. And by the end of 2007, he had $8 billion. That's in a minute from Chicago Public Radio and Public Radio International when our program continues. And that is exactly what Magnetar said it was doing, being a classic hedge fund.

To understand this evidence, you have to know a little bit about how a CDO gets marketed and sold. He did basically all the stuff that, to my friend, was just kind of drudgery. Barry put it together to shop his idea around to TV networks. For their part, the Odessa police department released a statement saying, the raid was a waste of law enforcement time and taxpayer money. Magnetar spends the first quarter of '06 talking to as many people as possible in the CDO business, really understanding it, interviewing people, getting a good sort of lay of the land.

The problem with figuring out whether it's a bet or a hedge, is that the action of betting and the action of hedging look exactly the same. The banks were making these CDOs and essentially selling them to themselves. The strategy of betting that something will go down in value, in the language of Wall Street, it's called shorting or taking a short position. May the united states urges the cash advance payday loans in barbados for ssi receipt government of. That's Barry demonstrating how you should yell through the window at the officer.

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His name was Raymond Madden, and he was a conservative middle-aged businessman. The instruments that did more damage to the world's financial system than any other single instrument out there. In other words, it seemed like Wall Street felt it had found its sucker. Lease on cadillac ats is available 299 mo cadillac leases at frank boucher. I'd start talking to her about how bad I felt about the stuff I did to people for this marijuana that I was enjoying and that was healing me. And generally, there's nothing wrong with shorting.

He said that at the end of 2005, people on Wall Street were starting to worry about the housing market. Their bottom lines, their bank barry cooper hard money lender accounts are still quite full. And that caused a lot of people to wonder, why. And the way it works, you pick a CDO that you think might fail, and then you pay some Wall Street firm a little bit of money a few times a year. Two weeks ago, Zach, Barry's 8-year-old stepson, visited his father for spring break and still hasn't been returned to Candi and Barry.

He decided he wanted to do more than just help potheads. And the bank earned this fee the minute it finished putting the CDO together, not 7 or 10 years later when the CDO was supposed to finish paying off. Magnetar declined to comment on that figure. In fact, every single person that Jake and Jesse and I have talked to about Magnetar uses the same word to describe them, smart.

That really, we're all to blame because all of us, from homeowners to investment bankers, all got caught in this irrational exuberance in the housing bubble. If you're making an investment in something like a house, you expect the house to stay standing, you expect to live in it, but something could happen. In fact, it became the best year in CDO history.

Mar the uncarrier plan is a half freen phones and plan with no payment upfront step towards contract free plans. There was another banker involved in the creation of another Magnetar CDO who described a "back and forth fight" between Magnetar and the CDO manager over the quality of the assets, again, with Magnetar pushing for riskier ones. And each bond is itself made up of hundreds of individual mortgages and not safe mortgages.

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And sometimes employees would joke that they're named after a black hole. A quarter million people watched the raid on YouTube. A friend of mine ran her own small business. They say that this firm is going to attract the best employees, the best investors. But there were other actors in this drama. This American Life is distributed by Public Radio International.

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Tranche is just Wall Street lingo for layer. And then the foot chase would be on, and then the fight barry cooper hard money lender would ensue, and that would get my adrenaline fix. Jake and Jesse have compiled seven different cases where Magnetar actively tried to influence the CDO managers to get them to put riskier assets into their CDOs. Photos, maps, description for rent to own homes 575 mo falaise drive, saint louis mo. This is an important thing to understand. The recent collapse of the financial system has been described as a 100-year flood, a perfect storm, a force of nature.

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Find a used car listed near you with our search new used autos advanced vehicle search, or customize. And this happened over and barry cooper hard money lender over with Magnetar CDOs. And this week, you can get your own free MP3 of our original Broadway number Bet Against The American Dream and, of course, sheet music for any high school drama departments who want to do their own production of todays show. A police informant even testified at her trial that hed framed her. But if it fails, the Wall Street firm pays you the entire value of the part of the CDO that youre betting against, a massive amount of money. But I recall one banker, who we spoke to, who said, When Magnetar arrived on the scene, we all should have gone running.