I’m signed up for both services. The jury is still out on FourSquare for me personally. I’m not 100% sold that it is for me (although I’m the mayor of a few spots lol), but FourSquare is here to stay.
FourSquare definitely has the potential to create a significant amount of revenue for businesses who partner w/ them. For many businesses either you “get down or lay down” to keep up with the Joneses.
Over the weekend while hanging @ the Highline Park I ran into my boy Mike who just copped the iPad. Like many of ya’ll, I was pretty skeptical about the need for this device. After playing with it, I can definitely see the vision (still not 100% sold). There are a couple improvements that need to be made (i.e. built-in camera & better wifi options)…. but it is pretty safe to say the iPad is here to stay. (more…)
I was strolling thru the Pulse Art Fair and bumped into my dude Coby Kennedy who was being photographed with this camera. You thought Avatar was ill, wait until you see this 3d Camera that Fuji has developed. Beyond next level… lol! Check out the website to see more info. -!YG