My Global Hustle

World Business Forum 2010 – Martin Lindstrom (Buy-ology)

Martin Lindstrom was my favorite speaker during the World Business Forum 2010. The author of buy-ology, Martin Lindstrom, shared a variety of insightful nuggets about How to brand your Product.

World Business Forum – Bill McDermott

Bill’s presentation was a bit underwhelming, but I’ll give him a pass because he only had 15 mins to present. Although TED talks are 18 mins & those are usually chalk full of gem. 😉 Check out Bill’s keys to leadership. -!YG

World Business Forum – Charlene Li

“Social Media has become part of the daily business lexicon.” – Charlene Li

Charlene Li (founder of Altimeter Group) shared some really insightful gems that put into perspective the role that social media plays in our day-to-day business. Her core message revolved around the importance of relationships and examining how businesses value them.


Canon Provides The Postelles ‘A Second Shot’ in the CBGB Spotlight

A few days ago Canon launched their new campaign-“Your Second Shot” @ the Morrison Hotel Gallery in NYC. The evening featured cocktails, product demos and a lively performance from The Postelles (my new favorite band btw).

The campaign celebrates the release of Canon’s new HS System technology that allows you to take high quality pictures in low light situations. The cameras on display for the evening were the Canon G12 (retails for about $500) & Canon PowerShot SD4500 IS (retails for about $350). Some lucky folks (moi 🙂 ) were blessed with their own Canon PowerShot SD4500 IS as a souvenir during the evening. I’m looking forward to taking my Canon PowerShot SD450o IS for a spin. I’ll give you a thorough breakdown in a few days. Check out some flicks from the event shot on the Canon PowerShot SD4500 IS. Crispy right? -!YG

Opportunities in China for the Digitally Savvy

China: The Biggest Opportunity for Prestige & Luxury Brands in a Generation from L2 Think Tank on Vimeo.