My Global Hustle

New Taiwan business model caters to luxury consumers

Interesting report. I remember almost 10 yrs ago while living in China… Acer was the butt of a lot of jokes. Now they are about to overtake Dell. Now that is what I call grinding. -!YG

Kenya welcomes first solar-charged mobile phones

This is dope! Who knew that solar-powered cell phones even existed. I wish I had one of these joints… I would never have to worry about my phone dying while “touching the town”.

One does have to wonder how efficient these phones actually are. What would be even better is a solar-powered skype phone

. 🙂 A phone like that would make you a lot of gwop.-!YG

TwitVid – New Twitter App


Here is another reason to be addicted to ur twitter page. -!YG

New TWITTER Applications

Another day… another Twitter application to try out. I came across 3 really interesting apps that actually might be useful for those of ya’ll addicted to Twitter. As for me.. I’ve slowed down my usage a bit  (I’m on that Google Wave), but many of ya’ll are going hard in the Twitterverse and need tools to make your experience more efficient.


Google is Wavy

I really have no words for this new phase for Google. I do know for the past 2 months I’ve been thinking about what will be the next “BIG” thang and here it is. Google Wave will launch later this year and does everything you could dream of. Google has figured out a way to streamline all their key applications ( in addition to twitter/facebook) and put them in 1 place. Google Wave will redefine how we communicate and collaborate with each other.  Check out the demo video. The video is a little long, but worth watching. -!YG
