My Global Hustle

Francis Boy – “I Want Fly” #Kuduro

Here is a song from the Prince of KuduroFrancis Boy. I’m definitely feeling this cut and I’m looking forward to hearing his new LP. Check it out and let me know what you think. – LOM (@youngglobal)

Os Kuduristas Takes Over NYC #oskuduristasnyc

The Os Kuduristas dancers are in NYC and will be touring Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens from 12.9 – 12.20. During their time in NYC the Os Kuduristas dancers will be leading workshops, lectures, battles, and performing at some of the hottest spots in town. The Os Kuduristas dancers have already tore it down at Bembe and Le Poisson Rouge.

Follow @OsKuduristas on twitter and instagram.  For more information about Os Kuduristas check out their FB Page –



Top 10 Countries for Kuduro

I stumbled upon this list and it is interesting to see the international impact that Kuduro has garnered over the years. It has definitely becoming one of the preeminent movements to emerge from the continent and initiatives like Os Kuduristas are vital toward spreading the gospel of Kuduro. Check out the list.

There’s top ten:

1. Angola,
2. Italy
3. Brazil
4. Equador
5. Turkey
6. Argentina
7. Peru
8. Portugal
9. Romania
10. Mexico

via Kuduro TV

Francis Boy ft. Puto Portugues – Kuduro é final


Here is a song by the Prince of Kuduro, Francis Boy that I stumbled upon.

Behind the Scenes with Os Namayer

Here is a behind the scene look at Os Namayer rehersing for a performance. People tend to forget how much work goes into dancing Kuduro. This is a nice snapshot of the dedication needed to be one of the best in Kuduro. Check it out. – LOM