My Global Hustle

Brand Building, Beyond Marketing

Another great article out of the latest issue of Strategy + Business. Brands need to get with the times and here are a few tips to help them do that. Here is an slice of the pie:


The Promise of Private-label Media

This is a really interesting article that I found in Strategy + Business about a very hot topic of discussion in organizations around the world from start-ups to major corps. The rapid evolution of new technolgy continues to redefine the role of digital media and its use as a tool to engage consumers.

 The internet is the wild wild west right and many companies are seeking to  develop inelastic strategies that will cut thru the clutter in the fight for your eyeballs /$$$. As a marketer and/or consumer it is important to be aware of the tactics being utilized to touch YOU. Here is an excerpt from the article: (more…)

The Brand Called You

Many of ya’ll who’ve been reading my blog long enough already know that I like to repost this article by Tom Peter a few times a year just to help keep things in perspective and stay INSPIRED. Written in 1997, “The Brand Called You” is an article whose words ring true now more than ever.

The state of the economy has forced many of us to revisit our personal/career goals and dreams. The ability to brand knowledge skills and talents will be what differentiate yourself from the from the CROWD and get you 1 step closer to getting out your dreams. Make sure you READ (or RE-READ) this article when you have a moment. It will definitely be worth your time. -!YG


How to Find a Manufacturer in China

A few days ago I got into an interesting conversation with a friend who was exploring the possiblity of taking his business to the People’s Republic. Depending on who you talk to, China is the next great Super Power or on the verge of their carefully curated financial bubble bursting. Now I haven’t been back to China in a few years, but from chatting with friends who live there things are changing @ breakneck speed.

The Future of Finance: The LSE Report

This is an interesting report about the state & future of finance that has just been released by the London School of Economics. For those interested in finance it would definitely make a great weekend read. You can go here and download the WHOLE report or download particular chapters of interest. Enjoy. -!YG