My Global Hustle

Recently, I started my own tumblr page – inspired by my trip to Equatorial Guinea this past summer. The journey was a real wake up call to all the amazing things happening on the continent NOW. (more…)

Whitewall Magazine x Larry Ossei-Mensah

Check out the latest issue of Whitewall Magazine, which is out now. I did a piece on visual artist Derrick Adam. – LOM (more…)

How to Pitch Investors

Here are some helpful tips for all of my entrepreneurs out there trying to raise capital for their business.  – LOM (more…)

Larry Ossei-Mensah Doing Double Duty at InfluencerCon 2012


InfluencerCon 2012 is upon us in less than 7 days and we have a really exciting line-up of speakers | panels designed to stimulate conversation and share meaty information. In addition to expanding InfluencerCon to 5 cities (NYC, London, Mumbai, Sao Paulo and Berlin), I will be pulling double duty moderating 2 really cool panels:

  • Rebel Art :  This conversation will examine – What are the driving forces behind using art to inform and build a community? Is it possible to galvanize the energy from artistic expression into long term change? (Ticket Information)
  • Likeonomics a conversation with Rohit Bhargava: Is a one-on-one conversation delving into — Why some people and companies are more believable than others? Why likability is the real secret to being more trusted, getting more customers, making more money – and perhaps even changing your life? (Ticket Information)

Flavour N’abania – Ashawo (Remix)

I attended the UN General Assembly Mixer last night @ the Trump Hotel and when this record came on the whole spot went crazy so I had to immediately add it to my playlist. Check out this infectious track by Flavour. – LOM


Flavour N’abania – Ashawo Remix (Official Video) by Afritunez. Com Listen on Posterous