My Global Hustle

Movie Time

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My Life as an Art Collector: New Piece

Look @ what I got yesterday! My good friend, Joy Zhu and I decided to trade photos. Here is an image of the photo that she gave me. The photo was shot in Japan. 🙂 Now its my turn. -!YG
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Protests erupt in Egypt

My Life as a Movie Producer: Building Partnerships

We had a great meeting with the folks @ the Bowery Mission today. We shared our vision regarding creating a partnership that will revolve around our film “EGRESS” and creating awareness about homelessness in NYC. Our time @ the Bowery was an awaken regarding the issues and challenges associated with homelessness around the globe. We plan make a dent & use this film as a catalyst for change. -!YG
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Nick Cannon x Palms in Vegas

For all my folks who love Vegas, Nick Cannon will be out there doing a comedy special in March. Go here if you want to cop tickets.  -!YG