Friday night the African Film Festival held a gala in celebration of their 17th year in existence and the launch of the 2010 festival. It was a wonderful to meet many of the film stars, directors and producers. Jefferey Wright & Sahr (Fela Musical) were in the house that night.
The festival runs until the end of the May. You can get more information here. Check out a few flicks from the party. -!YG (more…)
Interesting piece in the NY Times about street artists in Venezuela using murals to express their political views. Critics panned these murals as propaganda art (due to government support & financing ) vs an opportunity for expression in the public space.
The images have sparked debate and dialogue, which I believe is the intent of any good piece of art. I’ve always believe if a piece of art does not elicit response from the viewer… it has been poorly executed. Check out the article.
I was feeling the video so much I had to get the mp3 for my ipod. I copped Shafiq’s album “En’ A-Free-Ka” yesterday & its pretty f’ing dope. I’ve always been a fan of the SA-RA vibe and Shafiq’s LP is just an extension of that. Enjoy… Click Here to download. -!YG
I realized while listening to Shafiq Husayn’s album “En’ A-Free-Ka” that I’ve been slacking on doing the knowledge and research on the giants who have paved the way. For those who don’t know I’m a huge biography junkie. History always repeats itself thrice times.