My Global Hustle

F1 Racing Comes to Abu Dhabi

Very interesting… People forget how popular F1 racing is. Might be right behind futbol in popularity. -!YG


Russian pensioners face hard times

YG Travel Deals

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Another week and more travel deals. Some of these deals are for 1Q 2010, but still worth looking into. This is shaping up to be a nice travel season boys and girls. Enjoy! -!YG



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Many of my peeps are approaching the big 3-0 and for some reason their acting like life is all down hill after 30. I guess reaching such a milestone and not quite being where you want to be in life is hard to grapple with. But I’ve always believed that life is a process and a journey which is not defined by one moment, but a multitude of moments. Folks have to stop complaining and start taking a proactive approach to getting out their dreams.


Concerning the Spiritual in Art By Kandinsky

Last night I took a guided tour of the Kandinsky exhibition @ the Guggenheim & learned a great deal about his artistic practice, life and what all them damn circles and triangle mean. lol! Kandinsky’s paintings featured many religious and spiritual motifs that when broken down is really fascinating. Kandinsky is considered by many to be one of the pioneers of the abstract art movement (using visual language in form, color and lines as opposed to the figurative).
