My Global Hustle

Dr. Cornel West is MTV’s Artist of the Week

Be sure 2 check out Dr. Cornel West on MTV this week. He’s dropping the knowledge on that ass. Check out some pics from a visit that he did 2 Trenton.(CLICK HERE) Dr. West is one of my favorite scholars. He always provides U  with morsels of knowledge & is one of the great orators of our time. CLICK HERE 2 see his chat with Tavis on PBS. -!YG

Change Featuring Luther Vandross – Searching

One of Luther’s first big records. I think this dropped circa ’79-’80. I wish we had more studio groups like Change who made good music just for the sake of it. Searching is one of my favorite Luther Vandross cuts. (I think he was still doing Broadway stuff around this time.) -!YG

Straight Outta Compton – Blacks Leavin’ Da Hood

This is an interesting article that I came across while reading the Economist over the weekend. It seems that there has been a massive migration of African Americans from Compton 2 the burbs outside of LA, where cost of living is cheaper. My friends who are experts in urban studies/development will have 2 break down the key drivers igniting this mass exodus. There has 2 be more 2 this story…. Check out the article & let me know what u think.-!YG CLICK 2 READ MORE

Cornel West on Tavis Smiley


Tomek Baginski – “Undo”
