“What difference are YOU making?”
Noble Prize Winner, Professor Muhammad Yunus, has set the benchmark for what human sacrifice and commitment epitomizes in Bangladesh. When I researched his accomplishments, it gave me hope that I too one day will leave such a distinguished legacy.Yes, I want to open hotels back in Ghana, but more so I want to create opportunities for my home country to flourish in our modern global environment.
After spending 3 wks in Ghana in January, I did not see what the media perpetuates to be a losing battle in Africa. I saw a rainbow of hope and opportunity, which needs to be tapped into. In my view Africa is in need of “trade” not aide!
Yes, the AIDS pandemic has ravaged the continent, but it’s my assertion that progressive steps need to be taken in order to flush out the root of why this disease has spread throughout the continent with epic proportion. The “Poverty Trap” of Governance Failure, Post- Colonialism, Lack of Innovation, and Lack of Opportunity creation are important variables that need to be “swabbed out”.
With that being said, Professor Muhammad Yunus has given me renewed hope in the notion that 1 Person can make a difference. Now the question is…. “What difference are YOU making?”
Enjoy the video clip,
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